Azure Devops Integration

  1. Open Test Runs section and Create a New Test.

  2. Select your Cases to run and select your device(s)

  3. When you go back All Test Runs screen, You will see an option GET CI URL. Click it.

4. You can copy the Hook URL to use it in your CI tool.


Sample POST request to trigger URL in your CI tool:

The first URL is your CI URL which is generated from project’s test run.

appPath is your path to APK, IPA or website

hookUrl is your Azure Devops hook URL. It will be triggered automatically after TestRun has been finished on MomentumSuite.

auth is your Azure Devops Token



curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "appPath": "", "version": "1", "hookUrl": "", "auth": "basic OTE1MjZmZjYtMjI2YS0xMWVi" }'


{ "error": false, "message": "OK", "result": { "callbackUrl": "", "resultUrl": "" }, "statusCode": 200, "errorCode": 0


Get Test Results in JSON or XML

(GET) JSON TestResult (Junit)

(GET) XML TestResult

Sample Patch Request

{ "status": "inProgress", "variables": { "junit.test.result.url": { "value": "" } } }