Jenkins Plugin Integration

This plugin enables to use of Momentum Features inside Jenkins. You can able to schedule Momentum Tests on Jenkins “Post-Build” Action.


Before starting, you have to own Jenkins and Momentum Credential. Also, you should have “Saved Tests” under your Momentum Project (To create Saved Test please follow Momentum Instructions).

  1. Download Momentum Plugin File on Github.

  2. Login Jenkins with Credentials.

  3. Go to Manage Jenkins.

  4. Manage Plugins and Upload “Momentum Plugin File” on that page.

  5. Under Manage Jenkins follow Configure System.

  6. Scroll down and fill Momentum username and password under Momentum Section.

  7. Test it before saving.

  8. Save.

  9. Choose a project on your Jenkins and go to Configure page.

  10. Scroll Down to the bottom of Configure page and add Post-Build Action and choose Momentum.

  11. First, select your Application in the dropdown list

  12. Select Your Saved Test in the dropdown list

  13. Click Devices dropdown and choose one or multiple devices on that list and save.

  14. When build operation ends your Post-Build Action will start and it will trigger Momentum Services to run your Scheduled Test with selections.

  15. Your test will start in 30 Minutes. You can also check operation under Momentum Dashboard > Project > Tests.