Project Capabilities

Project Capabilities help us to configure the Appium server and provide the criteria which we wish to use for running our automation script. Capabilities are key/value pairs encoded in JSON format and are sent to the Appium Server by the Appium client when a new automation session is requested.

As Appium supports both Android and iOS, There are separate capabilities for both. However, most of the capabilities remain common to both platforms.

Momentum Suite configures capabilities automatically for you. If you want to override or add a new capability. Go to the Project Settings and click Capabilities TAB, you could define them.

Closing popups on Mobile Automation Project:

autoAcceptAlerts  : (iOS)Accept all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up. This includes privacy access permission alerts (e.g., location, contacts, photos). Default is false.

autoGrantPermissions : (Android)Have Appium automatically determine which permissions your app requires and grant them to the app on install. Defaults to false. If noReset is true, this capability doesn’t work.

The above capabilities do not turn off popups from within the application. You can manually close popups within the application by clicking on it.

Learn more about Appium Capabilities:

Default capability settings are as follows. Your app file will be automatically installed on each new test run.

  • fullReset TRUE

  • noReset FALSE

Required iOS Capabilities (You install the app on device manually)

  • bundleId: YOUR_BUNDLE_ID

  • fullReset: FALSE

  • noReset: TRUE

Required Android Capabilities (MomentumSuite installs the app on device automatically)

  • appActivity YOUR_ACTIVITY_NAME

  • appPackage YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME

  • autoGrantPermissions TRUE

  • fullReset TRUE

  • noReset FALSE