Convert Scripts to ES5 format

Library usage

v1 Library usage

setup.wd.addPromiseChainMethod('touch', setup.actions.touch); var MYFUNCTION = { Button: "Submit", Search: "Lets Search", MySubFunction: () => { return driver .waitForElementById(MYFUNCTION.Button, 8000) .click() .sleep(3000) .elementByIdIfExists(MYFUNCTION.Search) .sendKeys("bek") .then(saveScreen) .then(clickToTab) }, }; function clickToTab() { return driver .getWindowSize() .then((size) => { return driver.sleep(1000) .touch({ x: size.width * 4 / 5, y: size.height * 2 / 13 }) }) };


v2 Library usage

const path = require('path'); let Momentum = require(path.join(__dirname, '../local/Momentum')); [Momentum.Library(Id=xxxxxxxx)] //..::PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY THE FIRST 3 LINES::.. const {wd} = require('../setup/v2setup'); const actions = require('../setup/actions'); exports.setDriverMethods = (driver) => { wd.addPromiseChainMethod('touch', actions.touch); } //.. //..Your Code and Functions //.. //bottom of the page exports.MYFUNCTION = MYFUNCTION; exports.clickToTab = clickToTab;


Call Functions in Step

Define Library (Only v2)

const {setDriverMethods, MYFUNCTION} = require('../Libraries/mylibrary');


Add this line at the end of the BEFORE Method of the TestCase. (Only v2)

v1 Case Usage


v2 Case Usage