Why Momentum?

Before answering the question, we need to analyze the current situation

Describing the initial situation for your Quality Assurance

What is expected of you? Do not forget that, Your primary goal is defining, measuring and improving the quality of the software. Three major steps in the software testing process are planning, execution, and reporting.. You are responsible for working as expected applications.

5W1H is the abbreviation summarising the following six questions: What? Who? Where? When? Why? How? This method consists of asking a systematic set of questions to collect all the data necessary to draw up a report of the existing situation with the aim of identifying the true nature of the problem and describing the context precisely. That should be asked for every project! (5W1H)

Below, I used the 5W1H method as a quality problem-resolution support tool.

Questions & Answers

  • WHAT do you need?

  •  WHO will use this tool?

  • WHERE do you want to use it?

  • WHEN do you need this tool?

  • WHY do you need a Testing Tool?

  • HOW can I use it?

Let's dive deeper, and let's get to know the problems that you will encounter in the future with Open Source Testing Tools. Why do you need a testing tool? Learn more about Open source testing tools requirements

Let’s determine the key factors and prioritise them. We will do this by examining the popular QA tools and features. Learn more about Review & Compare Testing Tools

Let’s get to know why is Momentum unique, accessible, scaleable and adaptable. Learn more about Momentum System Architecture

Learn more about Momentum Language / Framework Support

Learn more about Supported Environments with Momentum