Case Management



Section: Use it for grouping your Cases. It has an optional description area. Example: Login Tests

Case: Your Test Scenario Name. And Select your Coding Language with Framework. This will apply to all steps in the Case. Example: Successfully Login Test

Step Name: User actions, preconditions, expected results. Example: Click Login button

Step Script: Each step name has it’s script field. If your case coding languge is Java, you could write here this script manually → Thread.sleep(2000);

Library: Upload your custom files to your project and Import Libraries to Case(s) to use them. Learn more about Library Usage

Search: Find any case with name

Sorting: Sort all cases

Filter: Filter your cases with Types and Languages

Copy and Move Cases: Clone your Case to another project or Section.

Duplicate Case: Clone your Case in the same project and Section.

Reorder TestCases: Change the order for Cases

Reorder Steps: Change the order for Steps

Case Tagging: Give a TAG from existing or create a new TAG for the Case.(Optional) Example: JIRA-123, JAVA, Login

Open Device: Open Recorder popup window for Mobile projects. This option only available for iOS or Android projects.

Case History: Who, When, What.. History informations for Case. Example: User created case on 4 April 2020

Case Test Runs: Showing the case test runs with status and details.

Case Details: Preconditions and Expected Results freetext multiline fields (Optional)

Case Imports: Import Libraries to Case(s) to use them. Learn more about Library Usage

Press ENTER & SAVE: There is no SAVE button except multline text areas. To save the work, press ENTER or click another control on the form.